d.grid and use of

DUNN JEREMY SIMON dunnj at polarbear.colorado.edu
Tue Feb 21 16:37:57 EST 1995

Good Afternoon,

I'm trying to get a grid 50km x 50km over a map projection I have.

Using d.grid I go through the steps puuting in the below


OPTION:   Size of grid to be drawn
     key: size
  format: value
required: YES
enter option > 50000

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] y

OPTION:   Sets the current grid color
     key: color
 default: gray
required: NO
enter option > red

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] y
OPTION:   Lines of the grid pass through this coordinate
     key: origin
  format: easting,northing
 default: 0,0
required: NO
enter option > -81.19,50.0

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] y

But all I can display is two red lines in the easting,northing position on the
outside of the map frame. I've tried using a smaller resolution e.g 50
but the same display appears.

Once I have this grid I'll need to print it out overlayed on the map of course
can this be done ?

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