.gislock and access ?

DUNN JEREMY SIMON dunnj at polarbear.colorado.edu
Sun Feb 26 21:30:21 EST 1995

I have a problem . Grass won't allow me to access it's menu
page due to a failure in .gislock. When I look for this file I can't find it  ?

My error is a as below. 


/home/shelob/dunnj/Grass4.1/etc/lock: /home/northwind/dunnj/.gislock: Read-only
file system
Unable to properly access /home/northwind/dunnj/.gislock
Please notify system personel.


.gislock isn't in either of this directories ?

I've tried to create .gislock myself but this proves useless. 

I'm trying to unpack the SGI binaries from the moon site , but experiencing

any help on .gislock and how it is created would be nice, I 've looked in the
the begineers manual but there doesn't seem to be a mention of it .

Thank you 



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