No subject

Admin. scarab J.M. ROQUES (5322) scarab at
Wed Feb 8 06:00:36 EST 1995

Hello everyone,

We are planning to test several hydrological models after the recent flood events in Europe.  I am planning to use Grass 4.1 because of the r.watershed  and r.water.fea programs (within the incomings for Grass 4.2) that look fine for exploiting DEM data we will get from the French National Geographical Institute (IGN). 

Some problem of data format conversion will arise I IGN use EDIGEO formats or MGE Intergraph's export/ import (?) formats.
Has someone some good advices about this problem of data format conversion as we may have to develop some devoted software to do it ?

Within the incomings i noticed a r.hydro.CASC2D program from B. Saghafian & F.L Odgen but only binaries with very few documentation is available.
Does someone knows where I can get more info on this program (CASC2D) and authors or other such programs aimed at modeling storm events in (small) slopy watersheds and outlets with river flood propagation ?

Thanks in advance,

		JM Roques (hydrology and remote sensing consultant)
		Earth Observation Division
		E Mail scarab at

CNES is the French Spatial Agency in Toulouse France
Cisi is a CEA (the French Atomic Agency) subsidiary.

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