1995 Annual International Meeting of ASAE

James Darrell McCauley mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu
Wed Jan 4 01:53:55 EST 1995

[Considering type types of work that I see people describing
 on the list, I think that this may be of interest to some.
 It would be nice to see a good showing of GRASS users -jdm]

Call for GIS Papers: 1995 Annual International Meeting of ASAE

The IET-216 (Geographic Information Systems) Committee of ASAE, the
Society for engineering in agricultural, food, and biological systems,
invites you to submit presentation proposals for our upcoming sessions
at the 1995 Annual International Meeting of ASAE (to be held in
Chicago, Illinois, USA, on June 18-23, 1995).

Program Topics

#135 Engineering Instruction in GIS
     (IET-216) contributed session (either lecture or poster)
#136 Overview of GIS Software
     (IET-216) contributed session (either lecture or poster)
#137 GIS Applications
     (IET-216) poster session

Selection will be based on quality of abstracts. Deadline for
presentation proposals: January 10, 1995

More information may be found at the following URL:

To receive a full Call for Papers (including much more
that GIS), contact ASAE at:

  ASAE Meetings
  2950 Niles Rd
  St Joseph, MI 49085-9659
  voice: 616.429.0300
  fax: 616.429.3852
  email: hq at asae.org

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