
charnotw charnotw at
Fri Jan 20 10:45:57 EST 1995

> Does anybody know of a program to import idrisi data into GRASS?
> Thank you 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %                                    #####    #####     #  %
> % Nalneesh Gaur                      #    #     #       #  %
> % Riverside Technoloy Inc.,          #    #     #       #  %
> % 5840, Banneker Road, Suite 170     #####      #       #  %
> % Columbia, MD 21044                 #   #      #       #  %
> % USA                                #    #     #       #  %
> %                                                          %
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
I don't know of any program but it is possible to import IDRISI
data quite easily manually.

for raster data the simpliest method is to convert it into an ascii
file, ftp that to your working directory for grass, write a suitable
header at the top so it looks something like:

north: 7000
south: 3000
east: 10000
south: 7000
cols: 3000
rows: 3000
etc etc etc

then use

alternatively you can leave it as binary: integer or byte
(but make sure it is unpacked) and manually
insert it directly into the GRASS database in
you then need to write a header into
this will look something like:

proj:       1
zone:       0
north:      330000
south:      320000
east:       367000
west:       355000
cols:       240
rows:       200
e-w resol:  50
n-s resol:  50
format:     3   <-----this is number of bytes per cell -1
compressed: 0   <--   it should be 3 for integer (ie 4 bytes)
                  |   or 0 for byte data
                  |---this should be 0 to indicate no compression

if its vector data you're interested in email me, I know someone
around the department has done it.

cheers   Tom  8-)

Tom Charnock                       O--O
Dept Civil Engineering            (~~~~)
Aston University                 (  __  )
Birmingham B4 7ET UK             /|\  /|\
charnotw at

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