d.text under solaris 2.3

Rebecca Scheckler rebecca at vt.edu
Thu Jan 26 13:44:50 EST 1995

        Has anyone run d.text from a script file under solaris 2.3?  I
create a psuedo file in the script file and get input for d.text from thsi
psuedo-file.  This method worked under grass 4.1 and solaris 1 but I get
the error message cannot open temp file under solaris 2.3. Any ideas or
succcess stories?

  Rebecca Scheckler                        rebecca at vt.edu
  Information Systems and Insect Studies   phone: 703-231-7216
  Virginia Tech                            fax: 703-231-9131
  202 Price Hall
  Blacksburg, VA 24061-0319

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