Image dump in SG3d

Cosyn Bart Bart.Cosyn at
Thu Jul 27 08:00:00 EDT 1995

We are running Grass on a silicon Indy (IRIX 5.2)
WE are creating some outputs from SG3d to RGB IRIS files.
But unfortunately we got stripes over the RGB file. Has someone ever had 
the same experience. Any suggestions are welcome. We use a white 
background and are having black stripes over it!


        | ir. Bart Cosyn                                  |
        | ERS1/2 project                                  |
        | Laboratory for Hydrology and Water Management   |
        | University of Gent                              |
        | Coupure 653, B-9000 Gent                        |     
     | Belgium                                    |
        | Tel: +/32/9/2646137                             |
        | Fax: +/32/9/2646236                             |     
        | E-mail: bcosyn at                |
        | Http:                    |

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