v.support memory fault

mike camann camann at pick.uga.edu
Mon Jul 3 08:00:00 EDT 1995

Don Ebert--

I had a similar problem with 4.1.5 v.support, but compiled under
Solaris.  I traced the problem to a function within the vector library,
but I don't remember which one, offhand (this was several months ago).
I took the easy way out, which was to copy over a previously compiled
$GIS/etc/v.build executable from another machine with a 4.1.3 GRASS.
It worked fine.


Michael Camann                  camann at dial.pick.uga.edu
Department of Entomology        mcamann at sparc.ecology.uga.edu
University of Georgia           (706) 542-2303 voice
Athens, GA 30602                (706) 542-2640 FAX

After August 1, 1995:

Department of Biology           camann at lvc.edu
Lebanon Valley College
Annville, PA 17003


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