GRASS manpages converted to html, vis5d for Linux

Andreas Holz (CIP guests) asholz at
Tue Jul 25 17:18:41 EDT 1995

Dear GRASS-users and programmers,

	the GRASS manpages converted to html by Darrel Mcauley and
	reformatted by me for the CD-GRASS version is available on



	There is also the Linux port of vis5d 3.3, a GL based 
	multidimensional visualization and animation system, primary
	targeted for meteorological usage. I used it successfully for 
	the visualization and animation of groundwater flow and pollution
	migration. Please be aware, that You have to have 32Mb Ram to use
	vis5d in a convenient way.


	Be shure to hear more from me in the future!
Dipl. Geol. Andreas Holz    email: asholz at

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