g.region and narrow longitude coordinates

Eric Lambert lambert at gis.uiuc.edu
Thu Jun 15 08:00:00 EDT 1995


I'm not familiar with the foramt, but it looks like your region
settings should be changed.  You are currently only looking at ONE pixel
because you have specified both ROWS and COLS = 1.  My guess would be to
try to find the number of rows and colums of data in the header file
of the image if possible.  Since I'm unsure of the specific image type,
I'm not sure what the actual values may be...but they are most likely 
not 1x1.

Good Luck.


University of Illinois GIS Lab      "Whoever undertakes to set themselves
ATTN: Eric Lambert                   up as judges of Truth and Knowledge
220 Davenport Hall                   is shipwrecked by the laughter
607 S. Mathews Ave.                  of the gods."
Urbana, IL 61801                                          - A. Einstein -

Phone: (217) 333-5919
Fax:   (217) 244-1789                E-mail:lambert at gis.uiuc.edu

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