v.digit -Reply -Reply

Gerald Nelson gnelson at mailbox.econ.ag.gov
Tue Mar 21 08:53:19 EST 1995

The problem I have v.digit is when the digitizer is set to none.  I assumed
that meant I could work on vector files (assign cats, etc.) on the screen.
Was that a bad assumption?

PS xdigit works very well.

PPS I am mainly interested in converting a vector file into raster.  The
vector file is in Arc ungen format but does not have any labels.  As it
currently exists, v.to.rast converts nothing because there is no label file
in dig_att directory.  I can go through the ascii vector file from Arc, grab
the values for a point on each of the lines and put it into the dig_att
directory, but I was hoping that somebody had a routine that did this
already.  I can't go back to Arc and have the file generated there.  Any
tips greatly appreciated!

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