
Eric Den BREEJEN breejen at rataxes.cma.fr
Thu Mar 9 10:42:56 EST 1995

I've a mapset in lat-lon degrees:minutes:secondes{N/S/E/W}. Now I want to use 
When I run r.los (interactively) I enter my x,y-coordinates for example: 
6:58:58.772188E,43:43:02.217402N and after answering all the questions I get 
the following message:
can't read segment file
can't read segment file
%1   13823 Memory fault - core dumped r.los
I've used r.los before in the Spearfish location and that didn't give any 
Has my problem something to do with the fact that Spearfish is in UTM and my 
mapset is in lat-lon. If this is the case, how can I convert my mapset to UTM ?
My mapset PERMANENT contains the following PROJ_INFO:
name: Latitude-Longitude
proj: ll
ellps: international

Name:  Eric den Breejen              x   Internet: breejen at cemef.cma.fr
Mail:  Ecole des Mines de Paris      x   Address : Ecole des Mines de Paris
       Cemef/IAM                     x             
       BP 207                        x
       06904 Sophia Antipolis cedex  x             
       France                        x             
Phone: ++33-              x   Fax     : ++33-

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