Locking process for monitor

DUNN JEREMY SIMON dunnj at polarbear.colorado.edu
Thu Mar 9 14:57:41 EST 1995

Good Afternoon,

I'm trying to open a monitor window in grass4.1 and run into this error

d.mon start=x1
Graphics driver [x1] started
Error - Could not complete locking process for monitor <x1>.
Lock file is /proj/ice/MODELS/Grass.alpha/axp/locks/polarbear/mon.883439
Problem selecting x1. Will try once more
Error - Could not complete locking process for monitor <x1>.
Lock file is /proj/ice/MODELS/Grass.alpha/axp/locks/polarbear/mon.883439

If I try and open another window say x2 I don't have a porblem. I', interested
to know what the locking process is looking for and needs to allow x1 to
open. This error occured a couple of days ago x1 was previously running error
free. I think it occured because I quit grass and then killed the window by
closing from the window manager.

Any suggestions ?



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