Rural Non-Point Source Pollution Models?

Nandish Mattikalli nandish at
Tue Mar 7 09:19:45 EST 1995


Are there any models (capable of predicting non-point source
loadings, and their transportation in RURAL watersheds) that have
been integrated with GRASS? I am looking for models that can handle
effects of land-use/ land-cover change, and agricultural
intensification etc. on surface and ground water quality.

I appreciate any help.

Nandish Mattikalli
E-mail: nandish at

----- End Included Message -----

There are a couple of them. If you are looking at surface water quality
AGNPS has already been integrated with GRASS. Also SWAT has been integrated 
which can also predict surface and ground water quality for really large
watersheds. At present I am integrating GLEAMS with GRASS. This should give
a model which predicts detailed ground and surface water quality(both 
pesticides and nutrients) output.

Hope this helps.

Sudhakar Mamillapalli
Dept Of Agricultural Engineering
Purdue University
sudhakar at

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