MCD from Tiger

James Darrell McCauley mccauley at
Sun Mar 5 04:50:08 EST 1995

Thanks to Jim Hinthorne at CWU for answering my question about
extracting MCDs from TIGER data. The solution was to use awk (and
substr) to find which MCD left and right fields differed--if they
differed, then this line is a boundary. Extract the TLIDs (TIGER Line
Id's) for these lines and use the tlid=file option for

Now, if anyone knows of a way to relate MCD (township) records in
TIGER/Geographic Names Files to Type P records, please share.  I'm
still pouring through Chapter 6 of the TIGER stuff, but for now I've
got all these pretty polygons but no labels.

Thank ye,
James Darrell McCauley, PhD
Dept of Agricultural Engineering   mccauley at
Purdue University            new-> tel: 317.494.1198 fax: 317.496.1115

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