Introduction to Grass

N.Thirugnanasothy at N.Thirugnanasothy at
Thu Mar 2 10:00:05 EST 1995


I am not a GIS person.

A while back, some one in our institution shown some interest
on GRASS. So, I ftped grass and installed it on my workstation.
I can't remember having any difficulty in installing the s/w.

Also, I used grass with the standard data base.

Now, I cannot remember all the commands.

Now, few users in our university are interested on GIS s/w.

They have asked me to give a demo to see what it can do.

Can any one provide me a script or command file to show
our users the full capablity of GRASS.

Thanks in anticipation.


N.Thirugnanasothy                               Tel. No. 0274 383323
Computer Centre,                                Fax. No. 0274 304354
University Of Bradford,
Richmond Road,
Bradford, West Yorks.,
BD7 1DP., UK

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