Job Posting

Pam Sydelko sydelko at
Wed May 10 08:00:00 EDT 1995


We are looking for an assistant computer scientist to provide
programming/software development support for projects related 
to spatial analysis research and to provide UNIX network 
administration support across heterogeneous platforms.

Qualification Highlights:

        Extensive knowledge of programming in C language in a 
UNIX environment.  Considerable knowledge of graphical-user-interface 
(GUI) and expert system interface design.  Considerable knowledge 
of Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as neural network, 
evolutionary hill climbing and expert system techniques.  Must be 
capable in design and development of these kinds of systems.  Good 
knowledge and experience in TCP/IP network protocols, system 
administration in the SunOS and IRIX versions of UNIX.  Good knowledge 
of imperative and object-oriented programming design, software 
engineering and data modeling techniques.  Good skills in written and 
oral communication and preparing presentations.  Good skills in 
working with people on team efforts.  This level of knowledge is 
typically achieved through advanced formal education to the equivalent 
of an M.S. degree in computer science accompanied by a minimum of 2-3 
years of directly related experience.

Interested persons should contact:

Pamela Sydelko
Coordinator, Land Resources Analysis Laboratory
Center for Environmental Restoration Systems
Energy Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue : ES/200
Argonne, Illinois  60439

E-mail: sydelko at

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