XGrass on Irix 5.2 (fwd)

Grass package grass at sun1.bham.ac.uk
Tue May 2 12:48:38 EDT 1995

There has already been lots of mail about this. As a stopgap, look for a file
called .xgdatabases and simply add a new mapset to it.

> Hi,
> I installed Grass4.1 on a silicon running irix5.2. When I want to start 
> Xgrass I am not able to define a new mapset and projection just because I 
> am not able to type anything in. I think it has something to do with my
> XKeysymDB. It is situated in /usr/lib/X11 just like I mentionned in my 
> head file. I would be gratefull if anyone could give me an idea what the 
> reason could be!
> 			Thanks, Bart
> 	---------------------------------------------------	
> 	| ir. Bart Cosyn				  |
> 	| ERS1/2 project				  |
> 	| Laboratory for Hydrology and Water Management	  |
> 	| University of Gent 			 	  |
> 	| Coupure 653, B-9000 Gent			  |	
>         | Belgium 					  |
> 	| Tel: +/32/9/2646137				  |
> 	| Fax: +/32/9/2646236				  |	
> 	| E-mail: bcosyn at allserv.rug.ac.be		  |
>         | Http: http://sung.rug.ac.be/			  |
> 	---------------------------------------------------

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