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Sylke Knust sylke at
Mon May 8 03:37:14 EDT 1995

Dear GRASSusers,

I'm trying to get the r.answers program. It's not 
within our grass4.1 version (the directory is empty).
Can anybody send me the program ?
I tried to get the full GRASS version to extract the program,
but the ftp connnectiopn broke down every time.
Any ideas ?

Thanks in adsvance,

| Sylke Knust                                           |
| T4HIM - Tools for Hydrologic Information and Modeling |
| Institute for Geography - Dpt. of Landscape Ecology   |
| University of Muenster, Germany                       |
|                                                       |
| D-48149 Muenster, Kleimannstrasse 5                   |
|                                                       |
| e-mail: sylke at                   |
| phone   : +49-251-298535    fax: +49-251-271698       |
|                                                       |

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