ANSWERS ELEMENT rows and cols

Chris Rewerts rewerts at
Tue May 16 15:54:25 EDT 1995

There is no script that I know of that does this... but it wouldn't be
impossible. However, in the case of r.answers, this is already done:

When running r.answers, the first step to create a simulation scenario
is to input a map of the watershed catchment area, the raster cell
resolution, and region coords, etc. Once given, one of the things
r.answers does it to create a reference map of the watershed areas. The
map will be created in your current mapset and given the name "<project
name>.ELEMENT" (where project name is the name you gave the current
r.answer project.)

In this map, the raster cell elements in the watershed area are
numbered sequentially as the grass category values and the grass
category descriptions contain the row and column numbers that ANSWERS
refers to in its diagnostic messages.

Thus, one can display the *.ELEMENT map for the project and, for instance,
use d.what.rast to query the row and col number for given raster elements.

Chris Rewerts                                           USACERL CECER-LL-N
Land Management Lab,   Natural Resource Assessment and Management Division
US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, Champaign, IL, USA
rewerts at +1.217.352.6511 ext. 7588 FAX +1.217.373.7222

----- Begin Included Message -----
>From: sayeed at
>Newsgroups: info.grass.user

>I am doing a research in hydrologic modelling. I wonder whether there is 
>a Grass that will help me identify and number rows and column within a 
>area. Is there any script program that will number the rows and colums 
>the catchment and later on identify a specific row and column where the 
>crash. Do you have any idea where I can get this script.
>Thanks for any clue.

In ANSWERS, the program "crashes" if the aspect of any cell containing the
channel does not correspond with the channel itself.  To identify the row
and column #s, and the aspect of any specific cell in an ANSWERS ELEMENT
map, you can use either or all of these programs: 

d.what.rast  [GRASS Main Program]
d.rast.num   [GRASS Alpha-test Program]
d.rast.arrow [GRASS Alpha-test Program]

Additionally, you can use d.rast.edit [GRASS Alpha-test Program] to edit 
the aspect of any specific cell.  

**None** of the above, however, are script programs.  

Hope these will help.  Good luck!!!

- sayeed

* M. Sayeeduzzaman,                            *
* Department of Geography,                     *
* 316 Jessup Hall,                             *
* University of Iowa,                          *
* Iowa City, IA 52242                          *
* email: sayeed at *
*        sayeed at            *

----- End Included Message -----

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