HELP! d.mon error/problem

Norm Szcyrek x2308 nszcyrek at fres2.GLFC.Forestry.CA
Mon Nov 27 07:00:00 EST 1995

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organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
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reply-to: grassu-list at
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originator: daemon at

Today, for no apparent reason, everyone in our area cannot use the 'd.mon'
module, when it was working correctly just last week.  When executing it
to start a monitor, or find the status on all monitors, the following
message appears: 

  error:  input line too long


|  Norm Szcyrek - Systems Analyst/GIS Specialist                          |
|  Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service                      |
|  Forest Resource Economics Section, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada |
|  email:  nszcyrek at                                |

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