New GRASSLinks site now running

BARNES DAVID barnesd at
Fri Nov 24 07:00:00 EST 1995

Simon and all,
        Thanks for your continuing contributions. As an occasional but
trying-to-be-a-more-frequent-user I am very inteested in a more accessible
interface... especially for my students in Geol-sciences with limited
computer science and GIS experience and limited time to fit such
background into their academic programs. I am currently courting computer
science students to help with GUI's for some very simple GRASS
applications but we are almost certainly reinventing the wheel.
        I have spent a little time with another WEB "GRASSlink" interface
associated with the Purdue/Indiana Geol Survey program, Darrel McCauley
and associates (apolgies to other developers for lack of acknowledgement)
and would appreciate any comments on availability and other 
available alternatives. I was interested in the ArcView route but it 
seems impactical.
        Can we have a forum to provide methodology for 
"dabblers" to get a little work done without develping the level of 
sophistication currently necessary to effectively use GASS?
        Thanks to all the GURUs (Jim Hinthorne, Darrel Mc Cauley, etc,
etc) who have so eagerly helped in the past and continue to make OGIS a
good cause! 

  * My Address                                             *
  *                                                        *
  * DAVE BARNES                                            *
  * Geology Dept.                                          *
  * Western Michigan University                            *
  * Kalamazoo, MI 49008                                    *
  *                                                        *
  * email address                                          *
  *                                                        *
  * barnesd at                               *

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