Importing TIFF files

Gordon Dewis gdewis at
Thu Nov 23 07:00:00 EST 1995

organization: Carleton University
newsgroups: info.grass.user
originator: daemon at

Wilhelm Hagg (hagg at wrote:

> you find the TIFF-import/export at 
>  src.contrib/SCS/raster/r.tiff
> on the moon.
> Another way is to convert to ppm (with netpbm for example) and
> use (r.ppm, located at the same path).

Thanks to all who replied.  info.grass.user doesn't arrive regularly
at my regular site *grumble*, so I haven't seen these replies yet.


  Gordon Dewis            |    The WWW Virtual Library Geography Section
  4th year Geography Hons |                     is now at
  Carleton University     |

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