Olivier AMRAM , CESBIO Olivier.Amram at cesbio.cnes.fr
Tue Nov 14 07:00:00 EST 1995


I have some problems when I execute my compilation of XGRASS4.1 R5 
(on HP7000/715-50).

For all functions, I have a similar error:

"./Grass4.1/etc/xclip/d.mon",line 10
<Illegal help data [04.wind.mgmt/04.02.mng.frm]> at or near """

and xgrass message:

"An error occurred with XClip. Check the XClip interface file!"

Could you help me to resolve this problem?

Thank You.

Olivier AMRAM

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| From: Olivier Amram                        Phone: (33) |
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|                               E-Mail: olivier.amram at cesbio.cnes.fr |
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