Xgrass4.1 on HP-UX ?

Vladimir Ignatiev iv at dem.ipmms.kiev.ua
Fri Nov 10 07:00:00 EST 1995

I have compiled XGrass4.1 on the HP 9000 .
It works.
You can find file HP.trouble.shooting.Z
(wrote by Nalneesh Gaur  ngaur at apwk01g3.abrfc.noaa.gov)
on the moon site(directory incoming).
By the way, thank you very much Nalneesh Gaur!
Vladimir Ignatiev.

* Vladimir Ignatiev,                                                       *
* IPMMS, Kiev, Ukraine, tel:(044)-266-60-62 , 266-14-38 , 266-03-66        *
* fax: (044)-266-5583                                                      *

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