No subject

M.J. Kraak Kraak at Geo.TUDelft.NL
Wed Oct 4 10:56:39 EDT 1995

SDH'96 ----------------- CALL FOR PAPERS
SDH'96 ----------------- CALL FOR PAPERS
SDH'96 ----------------- CALL FOR PAPERS
SDH'96 ----------------- CALL FOR PAPERS

The International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH)
is the premier research forum for Geographical Information 
Systems. It commenced in 1984, in Zuerich, and has been held 
every two years since. The meetings have been held in Seattle, 
Sydney, Zuerich, Charleston and Edinburgh. It is the primary 
event organised by the International Geographical Union's 
Commission on Geographical Information Systems.

The 1996 meeting will be held in Delft, the Netherlands, 
August 12-16,  hosted by the Faculty of Geodetic Engineering 
of the Delft University of Technology. 

Following the Edinburgh approach the SDH programme committee 
will be selecting papers based on the complete paper, not 
abstracts, which will be fully refereed by at least three 
international recognised specialists. The programme committee
is chaired by Professor Martien Molenaar (Wageningen Agriculture 
University, Centre for Geo-Information Processing))

Papers will be evaluated on the basis of how well they reflect
the cutting edge of scientific achievment in the field. 

There is no particular conference theme, however the keynote 
spreakers will address the impact of fundamental GIS reseach. 
To see the range of topics likely to be coverd , consult previous 
SDH proceedings papers. Some of the topics are: data integration, 
databases, algorithms, spatial decision support systems, spatial 
analysis, digital terrain modelling, visualization and multi-
media, spatio-temporal GIS, fuzzy processing, uncertainty and 
error analysis.

The proceedings will be published in book format by Taylor & 
Francis. They also published the 1994 porceedings.

Deadline for papers                   JANUARY 15, 1996
Notification of acceptance            APRIL 15TH, 1996
Final version of papers  
  (allows corrections/minor updates)  JUNE 1ST, 1996

Individuals and groups should submit complete papers by 
the deadline of January 15th 1996. These papers should be 
10 pages in length (approximated 5000 words). Please note 
that longer papers are likely to be rejected.

The papers, written in english, should include :
- title
- author(s), affiliation, addresses, tel/fax mumbers, 
  e-mail address
- abstract (up to 200 words)
- up to five keywords
- texts (and  illustrations)
- references

The papers should be submitted on paper, disk (see below for 
formats), or e-mail (if no diagrams). Note that papers may not 
be submitted by fax.

The address is:
- SDH96
- Faculty of Geodetic Engineering
- Delft University of Technology
- Thijsseweg 11,  2629 JA  Delft
- the Netherlands
- sdh96 at

After acceptance, final papers MUST be submitted both on 
paper and MS-DOS formatted disk.
Formats acceptable for text:
- Microsoft Word for Windows
- Wordperfect for Windows and non-windows
Graphics are acceptable in:
- TIF and GIF (bitmaps) 
- CDR (Coreldraw), 
- Postscript (PS, EPS and AI), 
- Mac PICT format on DOS formatted disk

The conference has an on-line information service which 
can be contacted by either e-mail or WWW. The e-mail 
address is:

sdh96info at

A message with no specific request will reply with instructions 
on how to use the service. conference e-mail, which demands 
a personal answer, should be send to:

sdh96 at

The WWW address of the SDH96 homepage is:

- Menno-Jan Kraak
- Faculty of Geodetic Engineering
- Delft University of Technology
- Thijsseweg 11,  2629 JA  Delft
- the Netherlands
- phone:  +31 15 782584
- fax: +31 15 782745
- e-mail: kraak at

- Survey Department, Ministry of Transport and Public Works
- Netherlands Cadastre
- Netherlands Cartographic Society
- Netherslands Photogrammetric Society
- Bridgis
- Netherlands Geodetic Commision

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