d.mon in Solaris

Christine Gemuend christin at info.estec.esa.nl
Tue Sep 19 08:00:00 EDT 1995

> When I exit from GRASS without stopping graphics monitor next time when
> I try to start graphics monitor I get the following message:
   > 1
    Enter name of graphics monitor to start
    Enter "list" for a list of known monitors
    Enter "list -f" for a list with current status
    Hit RETURN to return to menu
    > x0
    Graphics driver [x0] is already running
    Warning - no response from graphics monitor <x0>.
    Check to see if the mouse is still active.
    ERROR - no response from graphics monitor <x0>.
    Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
    Warning - no response from graphics monitor <x0>.
    Check to see if the mouse is still active.
    ERROR - no response from graphics monitor <x0>.
     hit RETURN ->
> What should I do to avoid this problem (except to remember stopping monitor)?
> Best regards,
> Kris Koperski

Hello Kris,

the command 
  d.mon select=x0
should help you in such case.

Greetings, Christine

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