Crosshairs on d.zoom et all

David Hoover a16dhoover at
Fri Sep 8 17:22:37 EDT 1995

Greetings from Idaho!

In one of our offices we have GRASS 4.1 running on a SUN Sparc 20
with Solaris 1.1.1 and are having trouble seeing the crosshairs that
come up on the graphics window when running d.zoom or d.measure or
any other program that use the expandable box.  Actually the box is
visible in a very light blue color, but is hard to see unless the
window is first erased to white.

Seems like I remember someone coming up with a fix for this a few
months or years ago, but I can't locate the fix.

Any help would be appreciated.

David Hoover
State GIS Coordinator
Idaho State Office
a16dhoover at attmailcom

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