Automating additions to the $PATH

David Hoover a16dhoover at
Mon Sep 11 11:40:57 EDT 1995

Greetings from Idaho!

One of our offices wants to have some way to automatically add a
$LOCATION/scripts directory to their $PATH so they can execute
scripts they have written that are unique to that MAPSET dealing
with data display, data manipulation, and analysis.

I tried adding commands like:
      export PATH
to the grass4.1 start-up script in the $HOME directory or adding
the script to a set.pathname script in the $GISBASE/scripts
directory, but to no avail.

This would help save time for the user so they would not have to
cd to the scripts directory every time they want to run one of their

Any help would be appreciated in automating this path setting procedure.

Thanks in advance -

David Hoover
State GIS Coordinator
a16dhoover at
208 334 1525

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