
Grass package grass at sun1.bham.ac.uk
Mon Sep 25 08:16:36 EDT 1995

> Is there anybody out there who has got experience in doing 
> on-screen-digitizing within GRASS?
> I heard that it has a lot of general, technical advantages like, f.ex., 
> not having to place the tics every 36 seconds :-) and easier assemblage 
> of large maps split in several small parts.
I have done a bit of that, using both v.digit and r.digit on georeferenced
aerial photographs and geophysical m,easurement plots;
> Is v.digit with driver <none> suitable for this? Is it possible to do 
> this with the fancy LTPlus-package under PC-based Linux? Is it (from the 
> motorical aspect) harder to digitize with the mouse than to digitize with 
> the cross-hair lense?
Umm, yes, don't know, and yes respectively. And it's much slower digitising
off-screen because you can't easily move around on your image. But other
then that, if you have a working 3 button mouse, you are OK.


P. Martijn van Leusen -------------------------------------------------------+
Leverhulme Research Fellow, The Wroxeter Hinterland Project                  |
University of Birmingham Field Archaeology Unit                              |
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT  Phone +44 121 414 5513  Fax +44 121 414 5516  |
E-mail P.M.van-Leusen at bham.ac.uk                                             |
URL http://www.bham.ac.uk/BUFAU/Staff/vanleupm.html__________________________|

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