in Linux versions of GRASS4.1

kang at kang at
Tue Apr 9 08:00:00 EDT 1996

> Has anyone solved the mystery of the errors in Kang's latest compilation of

I am very confused about the generated by me in early January.  Some
tried OK and lots has the segmentation error.  Finally, I take a look again
and solved the mystery.
Guess what?  I also got the segmentation error.  This reminded me that when
compiling under gun c, you need to add the -fwritable-strings to the
COMPILE_FLAGS variable.  So, I recompiled it and were able to create a 2MB
PS file and printed out from our HP4MVJ printer.

However, I can't get the to work correct on my machine.  It was 
compiled ok but with the following error message when try to define a painter
"Error: value <test> out of range for parameter <painter>"
        and some junk letters

So, what is the range for parameter <painter>?  I accidently discovered a 
solution.  I created a file "8.5by11" in the ps.devices directory.  Then,
create another one called test.  As long as the test appear after 8.5by11 when
run -l, I were able to do " painter=test".


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