Exporting Raster Formats From Grass

Bill Brown brown at gis.uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 5 07:00:00 EST 1996

>>Use the CELL monitor ("d.mon CELL" vice "d.mon x0" or whatever you
>>usually use).  The environment variables GRASS_WIDTH and GRASS_HEIGHT
>>control the size of the frame you'll be building.  Then build your
>>frame the way you normally would (d.3d, d.rast, d.vect, etc.).  Then
>I tried this technique and it works, except the resolution of the .tga image
>is very low.   I have tried increasing the resolution using g.region from
>100 to 30.   This increases the resolution in the monitor, and the amount of
>time it takes to generate the image in CELL, but it does not effect the
>final .tga file size or resolution.   Any suggestions?
>Thanks for your help,
>Randy Page
>hansman at erols.com

Did you change GRASS_WIDTH and GRASS_HEIGHT environment variables as
Hal suggested?  This should be what controls the dimensions (and thus
the resolution) of the D_cell file.

- Bill

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