
srin at brcsun0.tamu.edu srin at brcsun0.tamu.edu
Thu Aug 22 08:00:00 EDT 1996

>>From owner-grassu at isis.cecer.army.mil Wed Aug 21 19:04:35 1996
>>X-Authentication-Warning: isis.cecer.army.mil: listserv set sender to grassu 
using -f
>>From: Anne Smith <SMITHA at EM.AGR.CA>
>>Subject:  r.agnps.run
>>I have installed the r.agnps routines on a DecStation 5000/120
>>running Ultrix 4.13.  We have been sucessful in getting the
>>r.agnps.input routine to work but the r.agnps.run routine appears
>>to cause the system to hang-up.
>>Can anyone suggest what the problem may be and how to resolve it?
>>Anne M. Smith
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
>>Research Centre
>>Alberta, T1J 4B1
>>smitha at abrsle.agr.ca

look at the bin directory where you have installed r.aganps
if you find either agrun or agnps, try
agrun <inputfile (or)
agrun (hit return)
inputfile (hit return)

hope this helps.


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