GRASS4.1 installation on Solaris

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at
Fri Feb 23 07:00:00 EST 1996

I believe that you need to omit /usr/ucblib from your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
        -Malcolm Williamson

On Thu, 22 Feb 1996 lramana at wrote:

> I am installing grass4.1 on Sun Sparc 2 Workstation. We have installed Solari
s operating system on our machine and recomiling GRASS4.1
> I am encountering some problems. Some of the programs under src src.contrib a
nd src.alpha are not compiling. It gives the following error. I dont know what 
is the problem. Can some of you help me.
> The error message is as follows:
> cc -s -o /gis/a/grass/grass4.1b/sun4/etc/bin/main/cmd/d.colors OBJ/curses.o  
OBJ/sigint.o OBJ/set_sigs.o OBJ/get_info.o  OBJ/interact.o  OBJ/tbl_toggle.o  O
BJ/tty.o  OBJ/main.o /gis/a/grass/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB/libdisplay.a /gis/a/gr
ass/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB/libraster.a /gis/a/grass/grass4.1/src/libes/LIB/libg
is.a -lcurses -ltermlib -lm
> ld: fatal: symbol `Def_term' is multiply defined:
>         (file /usr/ucblib/libcurses.a(curses.o) and file /usr/ccs/lib/libterm
> ld: warning: symbol `ttytype' has differing sizes:
>         (file /usr/ucblib/libcurses.a(curses.o) value=0x32; file /usr/ccs/lib
/libtermlib.a(setupterm.o) value=0x400);
>         /usr/ccs/lib/libtermlib.a(setupterm.o) definition taken
> ld: fatal: File processing errors.  No output written to /gis/a/grass/grass4.
> *** Error code 1
> make: Fatal error: Command failed for target n/main/cmd/d.colors'.1b/sun4/etc
> GISGEN failure at STEP: src/display/d.colors 
> Thanks for your help
> Lak

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