s.surf.tps problem

ov83609 ov83609%suncc3 at diego.cecer.army.mil
Wed Jan 31 07:00:00 EST 1996

>  I guess you tried interger point format instead of floating point format 
>  when you run s.surf.tps. Try to change your site file format like the 
>  following: 
>               X|Y|%Z        instead of X|Y|#Z 
>  if Z attributes are floating point. "#" is for interger.
> Jenny Z. Hou

 When I use "%" instead of "#" , then
 GRASS-GRID > s.surf.tps input=28 elev=28.1.tps dmin=1 zmult=1000 
 The number of points in sites file is 28
 The number of points outside of region 0
 The number of points used (after reduction) is 28

 The region problem is be solution.
 But ,when I saw the output rast file , the values are all zero!
 What is wrong? Is the parameter wrong? 

 ov83609 at student.nsysu.edu.tw

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