SGI and d.mon iris trouble

Cosyn Bart Bart.Cosyn at
Wed Jan 24 07:00:00 EST 1996

Hi Matthew,

> * Why can't I select "iris" in the x-menu for d.mon, only from the grass shel
>       (iris doesn't appear as a choice, only x0, x1 ... x6 or x7)

xgrass is written for the X-motif environment and as the iris monitor 
needs the typical DLG-capabilities of Silicon. Its just a question of 
making xgrass multiplatform!

> * Even when I do start iris from d.mon, I keep getting error messages when I
> try to display raster maps (which display just fine on x0, etc.), such as:
>       "too many raster maps open" or
>       "too many cell file open"  or
>       "unable to open cell file" ...
> and so forth, each time.  Has anyone encountered this, and if so, a fix?

Maybe it has something to do with your number of colortables you load! 
Does it happen always or only if you have other X windows open? Check 
maybe also your locks in $GISBASE/locks. Check also the printcap file and 
the files src/CMD/lists (check there the local file). Eventhough I do not 
think it is due to these files.

> * Lastly, might I ask how one launches SG3D, and does it require the iris
> monitor.  (And does it display a 3D raster elevation map much better than the
> d.3d does in the x0 monitor?  I hope so...Not that d.3d is bad, but I just
> hoped I'd get better viewing of my bad data on the SGI.  :)

You just start SG3d as you wrote it. It will ask interactively all the 
needed input. Its only for silicon and uses monitors similar to the iris 
monitor but not the one you uncommented in the monitorcap file. Be sure 
that SG3d is in the bin directory of Grass or in $GISBASE/bin. In other 
words be sure of the path. The binary is available on moon in 
the incoming directory and the tutorial in 
I any case its a great and handy interface to manipulate your 3d views!

> Thank you very much for any respones.  I've been struggling to get our Geolog
> dept. set up with a GIS for over a year and a half.  PLEASE, if anyone out
> there is using Grass with SGI, and wouldn't mind an occasional question, plea
> contact me.  
We run grass on Indy machines running as well irix 5.2 and 5.3. Any case 
I presume that questions (unimportant how trivial they "seems" to be) are 
always interesting for the whole group.


        | ir. Bart Cosyn                                  |
        | VLIR-project Tunisia                            |
        | Laboratory for Hydrology and Water Management   |
        | University of Gent                              |
        | Coupure 653, B-9000 Gent                        |     
     | Belgium                                    |
        | Tel: +/32/9/2646137                             |
        | Fax: +/32/9/2646236                             |     
        | E-mail: bcosyn at                |
        | URL:                   |

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