
Agustin Lobo alobo at
Wed Jan 10 07:00:00 EST 1996

I have to convert cartesian coordinates from
a lambert projection into geographic (lat,lon)
What I have is a vector from a land cover map
of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain + Portugal).
All I know is that the map conforms to
a Lambert Conical Projection with "automecoic" paralels.
Using proj with the default parameters for lcc
produces absurd results, which is logical because
the default are the usual parameters for the
conterminious US.
So my question is: Can anybody guess the lcc
parameters (the standard parallels) for that map?
Obviously, the map is not well annotated.



Dr. Agustin Lobo
Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC)
Marti Franques s/n
08028 Barcelona (Spain)

tel. 34 3 330 2716
fax. 34 3 411 0012

alobo at
alobo at

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