Take a GRASS survey?

Joachim Wiesel wiesel at ipfz6.bau-verm.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fri May 24 08:00:00 EDT 1996

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On Thu, 23 May 1996, Rick Thompson wrote:

> Hello GRASS Users,
>   Would you participate in a simple GRASS use survey by responding to these
> brief questions? I'll summarize any responses. Many of us have questions abou
> the number of active GRASS users worldwide and the future GIS directions in o
> organizations.
> Please delete any lines that do not describe you and your organization.
> 1) Our/my use of GRASS is for . . .
>    a) Government agency use. Country ___Germany________
>    c) Education/Research
> 2) For what types of projects do you use GRASS?
     WWW access to maps, Hydrology
> 3) Why do you use GRASS?
>    c) both a & b
> 4) Does GRASS functionality meet your GIS needs?
>    a) Yes
> 5) What operating system do you use?
>    a) A variation of commercial Unix on a __SUN_____ (SUN, etc.)
>    b) Linux, public-domain Unix
> 6) What is your organization's future plan for GIS?
>    b) Continue with GRASS and develop applications (scripts/code)

Joachim Wiesel, Institut fuer Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung,
Universitaet  Karlsruhe, Englerstr. 7, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
 Phone: +49 721 608 2316                      Fax: +49 721 694 568
Office: Building 20.40, Room 025
NOTE: My opinions may not be those of the University of Karlsruhe

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