Take a GRASS survey?

Phil Atkinson sgjd390 at sghms.ac.uk
Fri May 24 08:00:00 EDT 1996

On Thu, 23 May 1996 13:03:32 -0500 (CDT) Rick Thompson wrote:

> From: Rick Thompson <rick at cast.uark.edu>
> Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 13:03:32 -0500 (CDT)
> Subject: Take a GRASS survey?
> To: grassu at isis.cecer.army.mil
> Hello GRASS Users,
>   Would you participate in a simple GRASS use survey by responding to these
> brief questions? I'll summarize any responses. Many of us have questions abou
> the number of active GRASS users worldwide and the future GIS directions in o
> organizations.
> Please delete any lines that do not describe you and your organization.
> 1) Our/my use of GRASS is for . . .
>    c) Education/Research
> 2) For what types of projects do you use GRASS?
> 3) Why do you use GRASS?
>    a) public domain; best use of limited funds
>    d) other
          - best software for what I do
> 4) Does GRASS functionality meet your GIS needs?
>    a) Yes
> 5) What operating system do you use?
>    a) A variation of commercial Unix on SUN and IRIX  computer.
>    c) Windows 95/NT for GRASSLANDS (I'm not affiliated with LAS/GRASSLANDS).
              not yet ..

> 6) What is your organization's future plan for GIS?
>    a) Continue with GRASS on a minimum level


PHLS  \ ST Regional Epidemiology Unit

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