bug in r.line?

charnotw charnotw at helios.aston.ac.uk
Mon May 20 08:00:00 EDT 1996

Has anyone come across or better still made a fix
for a bug in r.line.  It works fine for small regions,
however over large regions it apparently works ok
but when the output is displayed it has in fact only
processed a strip across the top part of the image.

Any solutions before I wade in there!

we are using GRASS 4.1 (update 5) with floating point
on Solaris 2.4.

cheers  Tom

Tom Charnock                       O--O
Dept Civil Engineering            (~~~~)
Aston University                 (  __  )
Birmingham B4 7ET UK             /|\  /|\
charnotw at sun.aston.ac.uk

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