Jill Schuler jschuler at gandolf.ftc.nrcs.usda.gov
Fri May 3 08:00:00 EDT 1996

%%From @wolf.ftc.nrcs.usda.gov:grass-lists-owner at pandora.cecer.army.mil Fri May
  3 10:13:06 1996
%%Return-Path: <@wolf.ftc.nrcs.usda.gov:grass-lists-owner at pandora.cecer.army.mi
%%Sender: grass-lists-owner at pandora.cecer.army.mil
%%Reply-To: grassu-list at pandora.cecer.army.mil
%%To: grassu-list at pandora.cecer.army.mil
%%Subject: XGEN???
%%Date: Fri, 03 May 96 17:19:46 +0300
%%From: Eleni Tousidou <etousido at athena.auth.gr>
%%Content-Length: 254
%%X-Lines: 5
%%I have installed the binary version of XGRASS and I plan to build an
%%application. Does anybody know about the XGEN program and where I
%%can find it? What capabilities does it have? Does it allow you to build an
%%independent application?
%%Thanks in advance.

Look on the moon ftp site at moon.cecer.army.mil

cd to /pub/grass/other

there are two directories:
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.


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   /    \//  /  \\   /              //      /       \_/\_/  \
 _/     \/__/    \\_/_____\ /_____ //    /\/             _/\ ---------

Jill R. Schuler
Natural Resource Conservation Service
2625 Redwing, Suite 110
Ft. Collins, Co 80526
e-mail: jschuler at ftc.nrcs.usda.gov        Phone: (970) 282-2418

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