I need some help
Phillip Dillinger
Phillip.Dillinger at sealabs.com
Tue Nov 19 07:00:00 EST 1996
dear friends:
I am using for digitizing maps the program AUTOCAD version 12 installed
in a PC (IBM Compatible). Now I need to use those maps in a GIS Grass4.
installed in a Workstation SUN sparc Solaris.
the maps was saved with a DXF format in a diskette 1.44 HD (format for
windows pc ) and I don't know how I can use it in a workstation with an
operation system UNIX.
please it will be useful to receive some answer to solve my problem
claudio szlafztein
geological departament
University of Para
iosele at marajo.ufpa.br
If you are having trouble copying the files of the DOS disk to your UNIX
box, there is a package called mtools, that I believe woeks on suns to read
a DOS diskette. If you can read the diskette, you can just use v.in.dxf to
import your files into your map.
Hope that helps, Phillip Dillinger
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