I need some help

Claudio F Szlafsztein iosele at marajo.secom.ufpa.br
Tue Nov 19 07:00:00 EST 1996

dear friends:
I am using for digitizing maps the program AUTOCAD version 12 installed 
in a PC (IBM Compatible). Now I need to use those maps in a GIS Grass4.1 
installed in a Workstation SUN sparc Solaris.
the maps was saved with a DXF format in a diskette 1.44 HD (format for 
windows pc ) and I don't know how I can use it in a workstation with and 
operation system UNIX.

please it will be useful to receive some answer to solve my problem


claudio szlafztein
geological departament
University of Para

iosele at marajo.ufpa.br

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