Large plots on HP DesignJet 650c

William A Perkins wa_perkins at
Mon Nov 18 07:00:00 EST 1996

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>>>>> "Ronald" == Ronald Wiemer <rwiem at> writes:

    Ronald> Hi,

    Ronald> Although I can print GRASS images  on my hp 650c, I
    Ronald> am not able to produce large complex plots. When the PS
    Ronald> file is bigger then about 7 megs, my plotter gives an out
    Ronald> of memory message, and does not produce any output at
    Ronald> all. A solution that might solve the problem is by using
    Ronald> ghostscript. However, a sample plot produced by
    Ronald> ghostscript only came out partly correct. After a few
    Ronald> proper looking inches, the plotter produced garbage. I am
    Ronald> quite sure that the binary file was not converted to ascii
    Ronald> or something like that, so I suppose I have configured
    Ronald> ghostscript wrongly. Can someone give me a clue on how to
    Ronald> convert a postscript file to DesignJet HPGL?

    Ronald> Thanks, 

    Ronald> Ronald Wiemer
    Ronald> R.O.B. / Archis
    Ronald> Kerkstraat 1
    Ronald> NL 3811 CV Amersfoort
    Ronald> The Netherlands

    Ronald> Tel: ++ 31 33 4634233
    Ronald> Fax: ++ 31 33 4653235


I've had the same trouble with PostScript plots from a variety of
sources, and the memory in our DJ 650c is max'd out.  I use
ghostscript (see to solve
the problem.  I try to run ghostscript on a machine with Adobe Fonts
installed, so big fonts look OK (see the file ``use.doc'' that comes
with ghostscript).  Attached is an example script that does the
rasterization using the proper gamma and page size instructions.
Adjusting the gamma fixes most color problems I've had.  If you have
lots of colors, you may have to increase the depth with the
-dBitsPerPixel=24 (maybe) ghostscript option. You can send the (really
big) output file directly to the plotter w/o memory problems.

Hope this helps.


Bill Perkins
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Environmental Technologies Division, Hydrology Group
P.O. Box 999 MSIN K9-36
Richland, Washington, USA  99352
voice: (509) 372-6131 fax: (509) 372-6328 email: wa_perkins at

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#! /bin/sh
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# file:
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Battelle Memorial Institute
# Pacific Northwest Laboratory
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Created June 13, 1996 by  William A Perkins
# Last Change: Wed Jul 31 15:49:31 1996 by  William A Perkins <perk at yama.=>
# -------------------------------------------------------------
nextline=3D`expr $line + 1`
xdim=3D`echo $xsize\*72 | bc`
ydim=3D`echo $ysize\*72 | bc`

( \
    head -$line $file; \
    echo '{ 0.5 exp } dup dup currenttransfer setcolortransfer'; \
    echo '<</PageSize ['"$xdim $ydim"']>> setpagedevice'; \
    tail +$nextline $file
) | \
    gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=3Ddnj650c -sOutputFile=3D$outfile  -


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