pseudo satellite positioning system

Ronald Wiemer rwiem at
Thu Oct 31 07:00:00 EST 1996

Hi there,

I am looking for a device that can be used as a real world digitizer. 
It needs a higher accuracy then a GPS can offer, but less than a 
total station. I am thinking of a system that consists of  3 
transmitters and a receiver, connected to a pen computer. It has to 
operate on an area of approx. 200 x 200 m. ( an archaeological site). 
Does anybody know if such a device is used in for instance civil 

Ronald Wiemer
R.O.B. / Archis
Kerkstraat 1
NL 3811 CV Amersfoort
The Netherlands

Tel: ++ 31 33 4634233
Fax: ++ 31 33 4653235

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