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X-Authentication-Warning: listserv set sender to grassu at li using -f
To: phillip.dillinger at
From: Majordomo at
Subject: Welcome to grassu
Reply-To: Majordomo at


Welcome to the grassu mailing list!

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
you can send mail to "Majordomo" with the following command
in the body of your email message:

    unsubscribe grassu phillip.dillinger at

Here's the general information for the list you've
subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:

To: grassu-list at
Subject: Intro to the GRASShopper lists [posted once a month]


About the GRASS GIS Mailing Lists
  Office of Grass Integration

[This document is sent out to the GRASS Users' Electronic Mailing List
 about once a month as a reminder and introduction to the list manager

The Office of GRASS Integration at USACERL set up a service that will be of
interest especially to those GRASS users who have access to electronic mail.
We have set up two e-mail lists to foster communication between GRASS Users
and GRASS Programmers.  The lists work on the principle of "mail exploding"
 -- a user mails a note to one address, and the computer at that address
"explodes" the letter, re-mailing it to everyone who subscribes to the
list.  Replies to the original letter generally go to the list as well (if
there is general interest in the answer), but can be directed solely to the
original author if you desire.  Both lists are also automatically preserved in
an archive, and users may at any time request a file containing an archive of
list messages.

These lists exist to foster communication between parties interested in the
GRASS GIS software; many CERL employees will participate in the lists, but on
an infrequent and informal basis.  The list will be maintained and stored
on CERL computers; however, CERL will not officially monitor the content,
intent, or accuracy of any messages that pass through the list.  The
point-of-contact for the list is:

        grass-lists-owner at

The list for GRASS users and friends is called "grassu" (short for
"GRASS users"), while the list for programmers and system-level users is
called "grassp" (short for "GRASS programmers").  Topics for discussion
on the |grassu-list| may include questions about various GRASS
applications, sources of (or reviews of) third-party support, and various
and sundry other experiences with GRASS.  |Grassp-list| topics will
include discussion of the algorithms and intricacies of current GRASS
programs, programming hints and ideas for new GRASS applications, and other
prorgrammer-oriented issues.  Note that the grassp-list is |not| the
best (nor even an appropriate) place to report suspected bugs in GRASS
code; the current <> program and correspondance with OGI are
the preferred problem-report procedures.


Each mailing list has two addresses:
(1) the mailing address used to "explode" messages out to all subscribers, and
(2) the mailing address to send commands to the list-management software
(e.g., to subscribe and unsubscribe from the list).

(1)  If you wish to send an e-mail message to all subscribers of a list,
the e-mailing address should take the form of:

        grassu-list at

for the GRASS user's list, and

        grassp-list at

for the GRASS programmer's list. {1}

{Footnote1: These, and all other e-mail addresses in this article, are
provided in an "Internet-standard" format;  different host computers might
require different specifications of the address.  The system administrator
at each site should be able to help if the addresses here do not work as

(2)  The other important address for each list is the destination of commands t
the list-management software (such as subscribe, unsubscribe, etc.).  These
messages should be e-mailed to to:

        grassu-request at
        grassp-request at

as appropriate.  Multiple commands may be included in messages.  Commands
must be located in the BODY of the letter;  commands that appear on the
"Subject" line will be ignored.  Only one command should appear per line.
Upper- or lower-case letters may be used for commands, and they may be
abbreviated to simply the first three letters if desired.
All commands are acknowledged with return e-mail.


Commands that the server will accept are given below.

Commands should be sent in the BODY of your email message
and be addressed to "Majordomo".

Commands that appear in the "Subject" line of your e-mail message
will NOT be processed.

        Retrieves a copy of the listserv software's help file.

        Retrieves names of lists that are served by this MajorDomo server.

   SUBscribe <list> [<address>]
        This command subscribes yourself (or <address> if specified)
to the named mailing list <list>.  The subscriber's e-mail address is
taken from the "From:" line of the subscription letter if not specified
in the body of your letter.

   UNSubscribe <list> [<address>]
        This command unsubscribes you (or <address>, if specified),
from the specified <list>.

   WHIch [<address>]
        This command returns the names of the lists to which you
(or <address>, if specified) are subscribed.

   WHO <list>
        This command returns a list of the specified <list>'s subscribers.

   INFO <list>
        Retrieves general introductory information for the named <list>.

        Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature).

   INDex <list>
        This command retrieves a list of the specified mailing <list>'s
archive files, which you can subsequently obtain using the "GET" command.

   GET <list> <filename>
        Retrieves a copy of the specified <filename> from the specified
<list>'s archive directory.  Case and spelling ARE important; the filename
specified must |exactly| match a file shown by the "INDex" command.
A message acknowledging the request will be mailed to the user.

        If the file is short, the user will simply receive a copy of it
in mail.  For example, the command "GET grassu-list LOG"
(capitalization of "LOG" is important) will cause the list-server
to mail back a copy of the most recent messages to the list (which are
always stored in the file named "LOG").

        If the file is very long, the list server software will <uuencode>
the file and split it into several mail-sized chunks.  ("uuencode" and
"uudecode" are common UNIX programs to encode files for e-mail transport.
The user's local computer must have the <uudecode> program in order to decode
these files.  The acknowledgement note will inform the user how many
chunks to expect, and each chunk will have a subject line that specifies
"filename: part X of Y".


To subscribe to one of the lists:

Send a mail message to either

        grassu-request at
        grassp-request at

with "subscribe <list> [<addresss>]" in the BODY of your letter.

Replace <list> with either:

Replace [<address>] with the complete email address to which you wish your
email to be sent.
If you do not specify an <address> in the body of your letter, the list
will subscribe you to the list at the email address given in your email
header's "From:" line.

   "subscribe grassu-list nixon at"

might be used to subscribe user "nixon" to the grass user's list.


These two lists are provided by OGI as a service for the GRASS community; we
hope that they will prove to be useful resources.  We encourage you to try
several commands to experiment with the lists.  If there are any questions,
feel free to send mail to:

        grass-lists-owner at

or contact the OGI by phone or mail.



More information about the grass-user mailing list