
Christiane Boehner christiane.boehner at
Tue Sep 10 06:00:58 EDT 1996

Announcment of new GIS-WWW-gateway

Excuse for double postings

Using GIS regularly in research and public administration, several
problems occur for every application: Datasets are stored on different
GIS engines, in different locations, different database structures, but
one person should integerate and analyse them... This meant up to now to
integrate the data into one GIS-engine possibly in the same location as
the analyst.

There is a possiblity to avoid this coincidence: Connecting the
databases stored on the different GIS-engines to a common WWW interface.
The JRC/ISIS/SMA/TA ( ) faced this task
as a contribution to the Center for Earth Observation project 
( ). The result can be consulted at:





Please be a little patient with the gateway, as if we don't have that
many licences for every software and the gateway is continuously under
develpment, inserting new functionalities, new datasets and adding new
search engines.

Enjoy Your visit,

                C. Boehner ( christiane.boehner at )
                P. Haastrup ( palle.haastrup at )
                A. Reggiori ( alberto.reggiori at )
    JRC / ISIS / SMA / TA
    Build. 65 / T.P. 650
    I - 21020 Ispra (VA)
    voice: +39 332 785246
    fax  : +39 332 789394

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