HPdeskjet paint driver for linux?

J. HOLLENBECK jhollenb at nmsu.edu
Thu Feb 27 15:18:55 EST 1997

Hello all,

	I am running the GRASS 4.1.5 binaries in linux and it seems 
that they don't include any paint drivers.  I have a HP deskjet 660c so 
I tried to compile hpd550c.tar.Z from moon.  However, I don't have the
skill nor the appropriate libs, etc to do the job.  So, if anyone can
point me to the location of a pre-compiled HP Deskjet paint driver for
linux I would be most appreciative.  Thanks in advance. 

Jeff Hollenbeck
Dept. of Fishery and Wildlife Science
New Mexico State University
jhollenb at nmsu.edu

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