GRASS support (fwd)
Ms.Blanca Shulan Huang
blanca at
Sun Jan 19 17:11:36 EST 1997
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 10:39:34 -0500
From: Pat Luther <pluther at>
To: blanca at
Subject: GRASS support
Thank you for contacting me regarding GRASS support. Information on my
services is below. Happy New Year - Pat
>>>>>>Below is information regarding the GRASS support services offered by my
>>>>>company. Since USACERL and Rutgers University have both stopped providing
>>>>GRASS support, I have begun providing support. I have worked with GRASS
>>>>>for about 8 years now.
>>>>>I have quite a few international customers located in Italy, Chile,
Germany Spain and Australia. Most of the support can be done by email. A
on year support contract is not expensive, and covers unlimited phone and
internet support for all your GRASS problems. I can help with
hardware/software,system configuration, as well as training classes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thanks again & have a nice day - Pat
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GRASS Support Services
>>>>The GRASS Support Center provides highly skilled and timely user support for
>>>>GRASS software. The center is managed by Pat Scarbrough - Luther, who
>>>>formerly worked at USACERL, where GRASS was developed. She was the
coordinator for the implementation and support of GRASS at U.S. Army TRADOC
>>>>installations, and later, was Team Leader of the Spatial Technologies
>>>>Team, which provided GRASS hardware/software support and training for all
>>>>DoD installations. She also has extensive experience transferring files to
>>>>and from GRASS and other software packages including ARC/INFO and ERDAS.
>>>>Services provided include phone and internet support, and on site support
>>>>including training classes. Classes can be customized to address user &
>>>>project specific data and needs. Support can be purchased as an annual
>>>>subscription, which includes unlimited phone and internet support, or on
>>>>an hourly basis. Classes are not included in the annual
subscription.Data development/conversion services are also offered.
>>>>Educational institutions receive a discounted rate. The rate includes
>>>>support for one department in the institution.
>>>>Payments must be made in US Dollars only.
>>>>Annual subscription : $2,000/year educational $1,200/year
>>>>40 hr Intro to GRASS $1,500 + travel educational $1,200 + travel
>>>hourly: $75.00/hr. educational $50.00/hr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Customized classes priced on a case by case basis.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>For more information contact:
Pat Scarbrough Luther "Your dream is the gift of
AEgis Services Corporation your own soul. But if it's
P.O. Box 160 promise is to be fulfilled,
Clinton, TN 37717 you must turn your eyes from
Phone 423.457.8242 the world of men, and dare
FAX 423.457.8620 to fly among the stars....
Internet pluther at After all, we are born with
wings". Robert Sexton
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