drapeing images

Bart Cosyn bcosyn at rug.ac.be
Thu Jan 9 03:51:24 EST 1997


> Question:
> I am using GRASS 4.1 on an SGI INDIGO2. I have two raster images( one from x,y 
> with z and another scanned raster). Both are good raster images. What method 
> should I use to drape the digitized image over the x,y,z image? 

If both images are referenced you should think about to use or d.3d
(normal X) or SG3D ( a Silicon tool available on moon). If you stil have
to reference both images to each other you should check

http://taoren.rug.ac.be/~bart/paper/paper.html and check the part on
coordinate systems and transformations!

	| ir. Bart Cosyn				  |
	| REIMP-project, MDB Central Africa  	 	  |
	| Laboratory for Hydrology and Water Management	  |
	| University of Gent 			 	  |
	| Coupure 653, B-9000 Gent			  |	
        | Belgium 					  |
	| Tel: +/32/9/2646137				  |
	| Fax: +/32/9/2646236				  |	
	| E-mail: Bart.Cosyn at rug.ac.be   		  |
        | URL: http://taoren.rug.ac.be/			  |

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